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Buildings & Contents

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Protects the structure of the property and its permanent fixtures and fittings

as well as the contents inside your home

We will pass your details over to our chosen specialist with your permission

What is Buildings Insurance?

Buildings insurance covers the cost of repairing damage to the physical structure of your property. Garages, sheds and fences are also covered, as well as the cost of replacing items such as pipes, cables and drains. Your insurance should cover the full cost of rebuilding your house.

What is Contents Insurance?

Contents insurance covers the cost of replacing or repairing your possessions if they are damaged, destroyed or stolen. It includes everything you would take with you if you moved home including your furniture, kitchen appliances, curtains, bedding, clothing, television, computing equipment and jewellery.

Can I get a combined Buildings and Contents Insurance policy?

Absolutely. We would strongly recommend that you protect both the building and its contents.

Is it a legal requirement to have Buildings Insurance?

If you have a mortgage, then it is a condition of the mortgage that you have Buildings Insurance in place for the duration of the mortgage term.


If you don't have a mortgage, we would still strongly recommend that you have Buildings Insurance so that should your home get destroyed, you can ensure it is rebuilt.

Is it a legal requirement to have Contents Insurance?

In short, no it isn't - but we would strongly recommend that you insure your contents as the cost to replace them quickly adds up.

When should I start my Buildings Insurance policy?

If you're buying a property, then we would recommend that you have Buildings Insurance in place for exchange of contracts.

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